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We realize that this may be the first time you have ever considered meeting a woman by using a service such as ours. This section is intended to allow you to benefit from the experience of others. By interviewing numerous men and researching volumes of material, we have compiled a top-ten list of hints that will prove beneficial in your research for a foreign woman. Even if you are an old hand at this, it's never too late to learn something new.
Click here to view previous newsletters with more good advice.

1. Do Not Send Money!!! Just like anywhere, there are honest people and there are dishonest people. The point of your correspondence is to develop a special relationship with a foreign woman, not to purchase one. We want you to be aware that you may contact women who will ask you for money for one reason or another. If you are asked for money it should immediately set off alarms and you should proceed very cautiously. There are instances where there may be a valid reason to send money to someone with whom you have been corresponding for some time. In that instance it is recommended that you send it via wire (Western Union).To view previous newsletters addressing this topic please click here:

Risks and Responsibilites
How Can I Avoid Fraud in my Search for a Foreign Wife?
How to Waste Time and Lose Money While Searching for a Foreign Bride

2. Do include a photo of yourself, and not just any photo. Take some time and put some thought into it. For example, if you are the outdoors type you may want to take it while hiking or biking. The point is to give the women the best possible representation of yourself. In order to keep the costs of the photos to a minimum, you should consider choosing two or three of your best photos and have color copies made instead of developing a new picture for each reply.

3. Try including a little something extra to let her know she is special. This could consist of a pressed flower, or a picture of you as an infant or a toddler, or maybe a poem written in her native language. The idea is to try and distinguish your response from others.

4. Remember when writing your letter that this woman's native language is not English. That doesn't mean she will not be able to understand your letter, but by keeping it simple you will have a much better chance of successfully communicating with her. Try to avoid using four- or five- syllable words; instead of impressing her, you will probably just confuse her. Make sure you neatly print your letter as opposed to writing in cursive. If your handwriting is difficult to read, you may consider typing it.

5. Try to keep the initial letter fast-paced. You certainly don't want to be discussing things like marriage and what your children might look like in your first letter! You may want to tell her a little about yourself, where you were raised, and what schools you have attended. Write a little about your interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes. Basically, just write about things that you would normally talk about on a first date.

6. Make sure you ask her plenty of questions about herself in your first letter. People like to know that others are interested in them and their activities. By asking questions about her she will think that you are interested in her as a person and she will want to respond to you immediately.

7. You may find it useful to do some independent research on the country of origin of the woman you are interested in. Not only will it impress the woman, but it may save you from committing a gaffe. You must always remember that this woman was raised in a totally different culture than our own. Obviously, it is in your best interest to know as much as possible about that culture.

8. Should you get to the point that you want to visit the woman or women you are corresponding with, we strongly recommend that you consider a well respected Foreign Romance Tour Company. Traveling abroad is very different and can be much more dangerous than domestic travel. With a Romance Tour all you have to worry about is meeting the women you are interested in, the Tour Company takes care of all the other details. Even if you are interested in only one woman it makes sense to go with a group simply for the support you will receive. You never know what it’s going to be like once you meet the woman in person. If it doesn’t work out and you are with a Tour Group, you will have many other options to meet other women. Of course we feel our Tours are the best in the industry, but check them out for yourself! Romance Tours. To view previous newsletters addressing this topic please click here:

How To Get The Most From Your Romance Tour
Anatomy of a Social
How To Waste a $3 Grand Trip to Russia to Meet the Lady of Your Dreams
Why, Where, and When to Do A Romance Tour

9. Should you get to the point of wanting to marry the woman you have been corresponding with, we recommend the services of a reputable attorney who specializes in immigration law. We have cursory information on immigration laws and various visas, however this information is intended to serve as an introduction only and should be supplemented with an attorney who specializes in this area. To view a previous newsletter addressing this topic please click here:

Bringing Your Special Someone Home!
Top 10 Commonly Asked Questions

10. The last and probably most important tip of all is be patient. Consider for a moment how long you have been searching for that perfect mate: ten, twenty, even thirty years? This is an important process and the results of the decision that you make will be far reaching and long lasting. Take the time to correspond with many different women before committing to that special one. One of the key features of our service is that we are continuously updating our service with new women, thus giving you new choices on an almost daily basis. This is probably one of the most important decisions that you will ever make, so please be patient, be thorough, and most of all, enjoy the process!


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